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​While Radio Galaxy, originally Dot Prime, has been involved in video production, there was a slice of our history where we slipped more into publications in place of video.

We have several book series currently in print with them all comedies in a variety of genres from super hero to fantasy/steampunk and science fiction.

We used to take out booths at conventions to sell our books, back when we could go to conventions that is... but while we haven't made an appearance in person in a while, we're still in the publishing game and have links available to our books in our store.


Our biggest series with the most books available would be a science fiction comedy series called...

Alistair and the

All-Purpose Umbrella

The series was originally written to be a television series for YouTube and cable access and over the many years we've worked on it, the series has undergone a number of different iterations, but as it became apparent that the show was falling apart again, we decided to take our scripts and ideas and instead turn them into a series of books instead. It may still become a show some day but for now we hope you enjoy the books!

The series follows the time-traveling adventures of Alistair, the last of the Chrono Constables, as he works with Nicodemus, a brilliant inventor from the future, and Penny, a Cambridge professor from 1974, as they stumble through space and time to save the universe from invasions, historical rewrites, and mad scientists alike.


Alistair is not only available in print but is also one of the book series that we have available as an audio book as well. For a preview, check out the links in the Audio section and all the Alistair books are available in our Store.

While Alistair is our most prodigious book series, our most popular is the supervillain comedy called:

Do Vampires Poop?
And Other Mysteries of the Universe

The series is the Mysteries of the Universe series that follows a group of supervillains called the Wicked Six on various misadventures. The first book entitled "Do Vampires Poop?" is about how the group first formed and then set out to rob a bank, making a name for themselves. It is available in print, ebook, and audio book formats.

There is a sequel that is on the way called: 

                 Why Does The Bogeyman Hate Grilled Cheese?

and the series will end with the third book in the Mysteries of the Universe series called:

How Many Sandwiches Could A Sand Witch Switch

If A Sand Witch Could Switch Sandwiches?


Our first publication, even though the scripts for Alistair were technically created first, was the first book in our seven part series called:

Tales of Impending Peril

It's a steampunk fantasy series set in another time and place. The first book called:

The Fires of Hexmalivus

About two brothers who meet with a sorcerer and set out on an adventure for a vast treasure and end up having to save the world. Their rag tag group of steampunk adventurers that came together along the way end up sticking together for a further six books planned. The second book:

Heralds of the Vicious Dark

...has been completely written, but is still in the editing process. It was delayed because the series artist, Ricardo Sierra, had to flee from his home country of Venezuela at the time it was ready to be edited. We weren't going to proceed without him and you'll be happy to know that he made it out just fine. Now that his living conditions have improved and his situation has stabilized a bit we're ready to move forward with the sequels in the series.


The first book of Tales of Impending Peril is available in printed book, ebook and audio book versions now on Amazon!

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