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2022 was a small year for Radio Galaxy but we hope to bring much more in 2023.

At least a couple of books will be published this year and a few different video series.

We've partnered with the comedy group Sketch A/F and the video production team at 

Chuck Dixie to bring a series of comedy sketches and sketches for the Andoriam Meming Consortium respectively.

Also we've already begun releasing our series called: Making a Monster

about one man's journey to create monster costumes for a movie called:

The Shadow People

Essentially expanding upon and changing original ideas from the 2005 short by the same name. Updates and new videos will be posted on the videos page and on our YouTube channel.

Upcoming Books:


Murder in the Blackest Night

Why does the Bogeyman hate Grilled Cheese? and other Mysteries of the Universe.

Tales of Impending Peril
Vol. 2
Heralds of the Vici
ous Dark

Steam Powered Sorcery has been added to the Games section of the website with a playable preliminary and unfinishd Beta version of the game free to download and playtest to your heart's content.  All we ask is that if you do download the game and play it, please bear in mind there are a number of unfinished sections that we intend to fill in before the final release. We do intend on the final release to still give away the PDFs of the game for free but if you wish to have physical copies eithr for personal collections or to help keep the project going they will also be available for purchase on Amazon.

If you do download the game for free and play it, all we ask is that you contact us at the link below to let us know what you think and to give any kind of constructive information you can to help us with the final development by this summer.

Even after the game is released we will be constantly seeking to refine it and make it better and constructive criticisms are always welcome.

The Game section of the website will not only have the resources you would need to play the game but it will also have game modules and playable campaigns setup in the world of the Steam Powered Sorcery.

A few of the upcoming modules are:

The Train Heist

The Theives Gambit


The Curious Case of the Curio King

All that being said, enjoy the game and if you have questions or comments you can reach us just below... also leaving a name is entirely optional:

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

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